
Showing posts from April, 2014

Why Support Holocaust Survivors in Israel?

The elderly in Israel are among the poorest in the Western world.  Of the 193,000 Holocaust survivors residing in Israel, 50,000 live beneath the poverty level.  Sixty percent of the needy are living on three thousand shekels  ( 862.78796 USD) a month according to:,7340,L-4512415,00.html There is a disparity in the allotment of funds to Holocaust survivors who arrived in Israel after 1953.  Approximately 18,500 victims are not recognized with those who made aliyah earlier.  Progress is being made to change this situation.  See:  Abundant Hope International and Yeshua's Fresh Bread are dedicated to supplementing the Israeli government's assistance to these needy who suffered so greatly in perhaps the most troubling period of human history.  We partner with these organizations to make a ...

I Remember: Ruth Fazal

In another segment of the recent newsletter from AHI, there was an announcement about a CD project by Ruth Fazal.  Ruth is giving her music CD, I Remember , to the Survivors.  Visit Ruth's website to see details about the project and order your own copy of I Remember :

Saxon Friends of Israel

In a recent newsletter from AIH , we were blessed by the introduction to the German work team who came during Purim to remodel the Survivors' apartments.  We want to share their video and website with you.  I think you will be amazed at their work and their heart for bringing G-d's love to the Survivors.   Check out their website: