We've Only Just Begun

Familiar lyrics of a once popular song by the Carpenters (please don't tell me "The who?") It's true, our quilting project for Holocaust Survivors in Israel has just begun. Dudley Goff of Israel Food Outreach on his recent visit to Rehoboth informed us that 1,000 Survivors in Iarael die each month. Gulp. A sobering statistic. A thousand. We hope you will join us this Sunday as we tie quilts to be sewn. There will be ironing of tops and sheets; cutting squares and designing quilts, too. But, we have about 15 or so quilts that need to be pinned, tied and prayed over in preparation of being sewn and then shipped to California. The next container ship is headed to Israel soon and we want to send as many quilts as possible. After all, time is running out. A thousand.