No Regrets
Glenda forwarded me this link after she and Dudley watched it the other night. She thought we should put it out on Facebook. I'll be honest, when I first watched it I didn't "get" how it was appropriate for Tikvah Rabah. The more I have been ruminating on the story, the message, the more I realize it is a powerful message that does need to be put out there or "here". It is based on a true story of a older man who is haunted by his past. A young Christian boy during the Holocaust he would often hear the train as it would pass by during church. One particular Sunday the train broke down in front of the church during service. The parishioners and priest hear the cries of those inside the rail cars. What happens next haunts this boy for the rest of his days. So, what can we take away from this 11 minute video? As much as many of us would love to go back and right the injustice of the past we can't. We can seek to love, pray for ...