September News You Can Use

Greetings in the mighty name of Yeshua! Meetings: For this month we will be meeting on September 24th ONLY. Join us from 12-4pm as we design, pin and tie quilts. If yarn arts are more to your preference join us and knit or crochet hats & scarves to send to Israel. If you need yarn, we have plenty for you to use! Our schedule is now typically: begin at noon opening prayer and announcements 1:00 pm closing prayer and song 3:00 pm wrap it up! 4:00 pm Projects: We are excited to announce... We would like to begin a project that we’re hoping many of you find exciting: we want to begin making baby quilts and lap quilts for survivors! These can be any pattern/design (including rag quilts) ! For the baby quilts the size should be 30x40 and the lap quilts should be 40 x 50. We do have baby batting as well as scraps in cotton … as well as larger pieces of flannel! I believe the preference is that the baby quilts NOT be tied. So, if you are interested in this project please let us know! Hats for the IDF: If you have access to black yarn and like to knit or crochet, we have a project for you! We have been asked to make hats for the IDF. We have a select pattern to use and pretty much all of our black yarn has been used so you would need to furnish the yarn. If you are interested in this project please let us know and I will forward you the patterns. Ministries: Here’s a few ministry updates: IFO – the container will be shipped from California Sept 10th. Plans are being made to ship another container in January. Netanya Soup Kitchen (Yeshua’s Abundant Bread of Salvation) – Brian is making plans to come to the USA sometime in October with the leader of the Survivor Association. Brian is trying to make Rehoboth a stop on his travels but we are unsure if he is able to visit. Stay tuned for further details. Survivors: Susan Heagy has recently shared that she visited with Zina recently. Alexy has been moved to a care facility that is within walking distance so Zina is able to visit every day! She is happy and grateful for our help and love and prayers. She thanks Yeshua! She recently took a group of Japanese visitors to Fanya’s apartment to deliver flowers. Fanya was pleased with the flowers and the visit - Semion would not talk to them or get up. He saw Susan and yelled for Fanya. Please keep praying for his heart to be healed by The Father. Prayer Requests: Nancy Hook is the liaison in Israel for much of what we do - she distributes items to our other ministries throughout the land. We were expecting her home for a visit this summer (her husband lives in Cave Junction). Nancy was planning on helping her son who has been diagnosed with brain cancer. But, as life would have it, she was diagnosed with bladder cancer and has received surgery and is healing in Israel (with the aid of her husband). Please pray for complete healing for both Nancy and her son. Our GOD is a great GOD. Thank you for all you do to serve Israel! Meditation: 10 For God is not unjust. He will not forget how hard you have worked for Him and how you have shown your love to Him by caring for other believers, as you still do (Hebrews 6:10 NLT) . “A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is G-d in his holy dwelling. He sets the lonely in families; he brings forth the prisoners with singing…” Psalms 68:5&6 Like us on Facebook; follow us on Twitter & Instagram


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