January Craft Along

Join us on January 5, 2014, at 1 p.m. in the Oneg room at Rehoboth.  This is an open project craft along.  Bring your own work and any show and tell projects you would like to share with the group (patterns and/or completed projects).  We would love to see what you make.  

The Tikvah Rabah team is looking for new ideas for the next Hanukkah gift fair season and we would like to have your input and participation.  Let's see if we can fill our calendar with mini-classes and demonstrations so everyone can learn new crafts.

There are looms left from the November class.  We can show you how to make a ruffle scarf if you didn't get a chance to learn last time.  Thanks to all who made scarves to sell at last year's Hanukkah craft table.  They were beautiful and very popular sellers. 

Come and bring a friend.  You don't have to be working on projects for Tikvah Rabah to come and enjoy the fellowship.

Shalom and Happy (Civil) New Year! 

P.S.  Just for the record, I have a goal to make one project a month for Tikvah Rabah for Hanukkah craft fairs.  I started in December when Karen gave me lots of Hanukkah fabric.  Here is a sneak peek.


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