The Eagle has Landed!

Prayer and money.  The two most important things a ministry, especially a ministry in Israel, needs. But when we started Tikvah Rabah, we all had a desire to do something tangible to bless the Holocaust Survivors.  The L-rd led us to Brian Slater of Yeshua's Fresh Bread - a soup kitchen and food distribution center in beautiful Netanya, Israel.  Yeshua's Fresh Bread not only works with about 400 Holocaust Survivors, they also assist immigrants who are struggling to acclimate to a land and culture foreign to them.  

For months, the dedicated crafters in our congregation Rehoboth Messianic Congregation, as well as the crafters from Minihaha Grange and Crossroads Community Church (all located in Beautiful Vancouver, Washington) have been knitting, crocheting, and sewing hats and scarves for the Holocaust Survivors.  

Our first shipment of scarves and hats (30 each) were taken to Israel by a group of people from Tennessee - they go to Israel every year to work alongside the Messianic Body in Israel.  we appreciate their sacrifice of luggage space;  after all, space in a suitcase is always at a premium when traveling internationally.  

We hope you enjoy seeing these pictures of the first Survivors to receive these gifts from our hearts and hands.  

For more information on Yeshua's Fresh Bread:

For more information on One 4 Israel:

"If someone has worldly possessions and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how can he be loving G-d?  Children, let us love not with words and talk, but with actions and in reality!"  1 John 3: 17, 18 CJB


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