
Showing posts from July, 2014

Dreamin' of Quilts!

With all the gorgeous fabric we've been blessed with receiving, my mind is focused on quilts these days.  I listen intently to Glenda and Sally as they chatter excitedly about plans and strategies to set this new task of making quilts for Holocaust Survivors in Israel in motion. We are all VERY excited to roll out this project on August 3rd during our next craft-a-long and if you're in the Vancouver/PDX area we hope you'll join us at 1:00 pm.  We will watch a short video detailing the specifications set forth by Israel Food Outreach and Gleanings for the Hungry.   And with that said, here's a #throwbackthursday #tbt picture of a very sweet quilt Carol made for "our" adopted survivor, Yafim, that we sent for his birthday earlier this year.  

Bargains Galore!

Glenda was blessed to find a yard sale featuring only fabric!  We got such a beautiful selection at a bargain price.  He IS The G-d who provides for our needs.   We're feeling very blessed as we move towards partnering with Israel Food Outreach and Gleanings for the Hungry in the Quilts for Holocaust Survivor Project.   We look forward to having  you join us on Sunday, August 3rd as we introduce the project! We meet at Rehoboth Messianic Congregation from 1-4.  Light refreshments served.   ** non- sewers welcome to come and bring their craft projects as well ** Rehoboth Messianic Congregation is located at:  3504 NE 49th St in Vancouver, WA.  

Final Tally for "Dress a Girl in Israel 2014"

For nearly 6 weeks, we have been focused on producing dresses for girls in Israel. For the most part,the talented sewers of Tikvah Rabah have been stitching together some adorable dresses were made out of pillow cases.   A few non-sewers wanted to participate and so a few of the dresses were purchased new while others were purchased used.   It was an interesting walk in faith as the final dresses counted - you  wonder, how close did we get our goal of 100?  Oh Please, L-rd, let us get to 100!  It felt like when the L-rd multiplied the loaves and fishes, and I think I heard Him say "oh ye of little faith".   But, as so often is the case, the L-rd provided MORE than our expectations!   Thank you to all who assisted the project in any of the many ways.  Won't you please pray with us that the girls in Israel be blessed by our gifts of love and more importantly, that the love of Messiah will renew them as He calls them into His Kingdom? Drum roll,...

A Moment to Reflect on Something "Lovely"

If you love Israel, your mind is probably tied up with the military action going on right now.   As we near completion of the dress project, I want to give you a moment to reflect on some beauty in this world - designed and created by Sally and Heidi.   Enjoy what is lovely today!  

Our Next Craft-a-Long and Assorted Tidbits

We have several scheduling conflicts with trying to squeeze in a Craft-a - Long in July.  After careful consideration, we have decided to have our next event August 3rd 1:00 tp 3 or 4 ish. This will be an important meeting to attend as we reveal our newest project and I'm sure you won't want to miss it!   I have often felt that this ministry is gently unfolding - similar to how a tea bud reveals itself in hot water. The L-rd has taken our hands and slowly guided us step by step down what sometimes feels like our feet unsure along a rocky path.  But, as we know, (and I hope YOU do know) that Yeshua is our Safety Net and He never takes us where we "can't" go.  I've heard it said:  "Yeshua doesn't always call the equipped but He always equips the called".  And, when He finds us faithful with little, He gives us more.   As we wrap up the sewing of 100 pillowcase dresses for immigrant girls, and as we have gathered nearly 400 hats for H...