A Moment to Reflect on Something "Lovely"

If you love Israel, your mind is probably tied up with the military action going on right now.  

As we near completion of the dress project, I want to give you a moment to reflect on some beauty in this world - designed and created by Sally and Heidi.  

Enjoy what is lovely today!  


  1. This has been one of the most blessed experiences I have ever had the privilege to be a part of. As I have sewn each of these dresses I have prayed that our dear Lord will bless and sow His seed of love, joy and protection over each precious child that wears them and that their families come to experience a intimate love and relationship Jesus. GOD BLESSED ALL FOR ALLOWING US TO HELP. WHAT A BLESSING YOU HAVE GIVEN US.

  2. I only finished what someone else had started. These pillowcases came as a set from Goodwill, and though I had intended them to become a single reversible dress, now it can bless two little girls--perhaps sisters!


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