Our Next Craft-a-Long and Assorted Tidbits

We have several scheduling conflicts with trying to squeeze in a Craft-a - Long in July.  After careful consideration, we have decided to have our next event August 3rd 1:00 tp 3 or 4 ish.

This will be an important meeting to attend as we reveal our newest project and I'm sure you won't want to miss it!  

I have often felt that this ministry is gently unfolding - similar to how a tea bud reveals itself in hot water.
The L-rd has taken our hands and slowly guided us step by step down what sometimes feels like our feet unsure along a rocky path.  But, as we know, (and I hope YOU do know) that Yeshua is our Safety Net and He never takes us where we "can't" go.  I've heard it said:  "Yeshua doesn't always call the equipped but He always equips the called".  And, when He finds us faithful with little, He gives us more.  

As we wrap up the sewing of 100 pillowcase dresses for immigrant girls, and as we have gathered nearly 400 hats for Holocaust Survivors in Netanya, Israel, we have been asked, "what's the next project?"  Well.  Quite honestly, "we" didn't have the next project but He did!  And it is beautiful to see how intertwined this new outreach is with our other two ministries !  

Glenda was recently in contact with Dudley with Israel Food Outreach (IFO).   In partnership with Gleanings for the Hungry, IFO has been shipping soup mix to Israel twice a year (soon to be four times a year).  

If you're not familiar with either organization, go check them out.  We have found that soup mix gets distributed to Yeshua's Fresh Bread, Abundant Hope International AND MJAA!  And, not only does IFO send food, but they also make quilts for distribution to Holocaust Survivors!  Dudley heard about our group and wanted to know if we would be interested in helping!  

So, on August 3 we will be seeing two videos - one brief video that showcases the work of Gleanings.  And, there is an informative video which will show start to finish the process of making the quilts.  Due to Israeli customs, the specifications need to be followed to the letter!  Glenda is also finalizing plans to have one of the Directors of Israel Food Outreach join us!  

So as you can see, this will be a very interesting Craft-a-Longs!  Please join us!  Even if you don't fancy yourself a seamstress, bring your needlework and join in for the fellowship.  

Hope to see you August 3rd!  


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