Pillowcase Dresses - the Saga Continues

You've probably heard snippets of the saga of our beautiful, unique dresses we sent to Israel last month. Who knew you could take a simple pillowcase, perform some minor alterations and add some embellishments and "viola'" a beautiful little dress is created. Our crafters had a goal of 100; we ended up with 137! Thank You, Yeshua! However, as we quickly discovered, there are international shipping requirements that are taken quite seiously by customs officials. Back and forth - this and that - time and time again - for every step forward, we fell two steps back! Today, we received notification that our lovely, little dresses will be returned (they could have been thrown away or sold at auction - so, again, Thank You, Yeshua! Keep praying for the door to open for these dresses to get to Israel. And we know that all things work together for the good of them who love G-d, to them who are called according to His purpose.