Our Newest Project!

Funny how G-d works. What started out as a conversation between Glenda and Dudley of Israel Food Outreach, (we thought we were going to be able to use their cargo ship to get our 400 + hats/scarves to Israel), unfolded to become our newest project: Making quilts for the Holocaust Survivors in Israel! Israel Food Outreach partners with Gleanings for the Hungry to get these quilts to the precious survivors. We are humbled and blessed to be Yeshua's hands on this project! And, we really appreciate the enthusiasm we have received for this project! Just so we are all on the same page, here’s our plan of action! Now: We are in the preparation phase. We should be washing, sorting, ironing and cutting squares at this point. If you have fabric you have taken home, please continue to iron and cut squares and feel free to bring back your cut squares so we may organize them by similar color tones. We would like to have cutting and sewing already designed tops at home but please leave the designing and assembly for our craft days so we can: 1) Involve more ladies in the project 2) Have more variety to design from (getting to choose from ALL the fabrics and not just the ones you may have at home) 3) Also, we will be able to better balance the solid colors with the patterns (let’s just say we have a LOT of solid colors) Here are the next phases of our plan – August 24th: Craft-a-Long- iron, cut, design and sew tops (already designed tops will then be available to take home for sewing). We need ironing boards and irons - if you have a rotary cutter, and a cutting square (to make a 10 1/2" square) bring that, too. Sept 14th: Craft-a-Long -quilting Sept 28th: Craft-a-Long- quilting Because of the specific requirements set forth by Gleaning for the Hungry, if you were not able to watch the 20 minute video of how the quilting process needs to flow, we advise that you watch it before you begin working on the project. The DVD will be available to watch on each day of our craft-a-longs. Needle and Loom artisans: please join us. We still need hats and scarves (shorter scarves are better). And, we love your company. Not-so-Craftsy people can help with: 1) Designing quilt tops and ironing fabric 2) Refreshing the bulletin board 3) Work on cards of encouragement for Yeshua’s Fresh Bread to hand out at the soup kitchen (such an easy project - KAREN can do it!) So, watch for a sign up sheet in the foyer!


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