Quilting Update and Important Gathering THIS SUNDAY!

Quilting Update: We had a wonderful time on Sunday with our quilting project! Twelve wonderful ladies gathered to iron, cut, design and sew quilt tops. Our next regular quilting event is Sunday, September 14th at 1:00 pm. Now, for some news from Glenda: SAVE THE DATE!!!! Dudley and Raven Goff, founders of Israel Food Outreach which supplies dried soup mix to the poor and quilts for the holocaust survivors in Israel, are here in Portland and would like to meet with us! Tikvah Rabah, Rehoboth's ministry to the survivors and the poor, has partnered with Israel Food Outreach in making quilts for the survivors (see pictures from last week!). The Goffs and Nancy Hook (who we met previously) have made time in their schedule to meet with anyone who is interested in learning more about their ministry and of course, with our Tikvah Rabah crafters, on Sunday, August 31, at 2:00 at Rehoboth. Dudley very much wants to make this connection with us in person regarding the ministry in general and specifically, discuss our quilt making as their partners. (He didn't know The Pink Quilt Story so I shared it with him and he loved it!). I know it is short notice and another Sunday and a sacrifice of time to come out for this but please if it is at all possible, come join us on Sunday. (He leaves on Sept 15 and if possible would like to come by on the 14th for our quilt day--and to possibly film us at work!). Thank you in advance to everyone who is able to come and support Israel Food Outreach and Tikvah Rabah in this get together with our partners: SUNDAY, AUGUST 31 at 2:00 at REHOBOTH MESSIANIC CONGREGATION


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