What's New With Tikvah Rabah?
Life moves so quickly. Work, Family, Friends, Congregation - there's many obligations one has in ones life. Some things fall by the wayside. This blog is one of them. Posting events and pictures seems much easier thru Facebook. My apologies.
So, what's new in our world?
We have now shipped out 368 quilts to Israel! This has been amazing to watch the different quilts come together.
The next shipment of quilts leaves California in September according to Dudley Goff, the Israel Food Outreach founder.
Dudley spent 7 weeks in Israel this Spring distributing soup mix to the hungry and quilts to the survivors.

He was gracious to share pictures of his visit with Susan Heagy of Abundant Hope International.
When I see these pictures, I know all that juggling of commitments and priorities becomes clear:
Serve the poor!
Until next time -
Le Hetriot!

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