On Any Given Sunday...The Common Thread

Tikvah Rabah began quilting for Holocaust survivors just about 3 years ago. In looking back, there have been a few bumps in the road and we've learned a lot: a lot about sewing, quilting, fabric, best practices for efficiency, consistency and TEAMWORK! On any given Sunday we meet we have about 20 or so people with a variety of skill sets. Some have been lifelong seamstresses and quilters while others are just beginning their journey into sewing. On any given Sunday we meet we have 3 generations of people. Women, men and teens. Some have been coming since the beginning while others are new to the fold. The common thread between these people is an intense, unyielding passion and love for these precious people we serve and The G-d of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. And then, there's Yeshua. We desire to serve Him with our hands. The Ruach is ever present washing over these quilts with LOVE and He breathes life in us as we serve! Here's a few of the quilts we've recently completed


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