
Showing posts from 2017

September News You Can Use

Greetings in the mighty name of Yeshua! Meetings: For this month we will be meeting on September 24th ONLY. Join us from 12-4pm as we design, pin and tie quilts. If yarn arts are more to your preference join us and knit or crochet hats & scarves to send to Israel. If you need yarn, we have plenty for you to use! Our schedule is now typically: begin at noon opening prayer and announcements 1:00 pm closing prayer and song 3:00 pm wrap it up! 4:00 pm Projects: We are excited to announce... We would like to begin a project that we’re hoping many of you find exciting: we want to begin making baby quilts and lap quilts for survivors! These can be any pattern/design (including rag quilts) ! For the baby quilts the size should be 30x40 and the lap quilts should be 40 x 50. We do have baby batting as well as scraps in cotton … as well as larger pieces of flannel! I believe the preference is that the baby quilts NOT be tied. So, if you are interested ...

Save the Date!!

People often remark, "so you meet every other week, right?" Or: "you meet the first and third Sundays(or the second and fourth Sundays)" We wish it were that simple! if you're ever interested in joining us please do! " " Check out the Tikvah Rabah Facebook page and "subscribe" to our events - you'll find them posted! And, we also post them on the Rehoboth Messianic Congregation's calendar. " " We typically meet from 12-4 downstairs in our ONEG (community) room to design, pin and tie quilts for Holocaust survivors in Israel. THE BEST PART? No Experience Necessary! " " If yarn is more to your liking, we accept donationations of crocheted or knitted hats and scarves to send to Israel. We have yarn if you have the time and talent! " " Light (and sometimes "not-so-light") refreshments are shared. " " Our newly adopted schedule goes something like this: Begi...

Pardon our Dust as we Renovate!


On Any Given Sunday...The Common Thread

Tikvah Rabah began quilting for Holocaust survivors just about 3 years ago. In looking back, there have been a few bumps in the road and we've learned a lot: a lot about sewing, quilting, fabric, best practices for efficiency, consistency and TEAMWORK! On any given Sunday we meet we have about 20 or so people with a variety of skill sets. Some have been lifelong seamstresses and quilters while others are just beginning their journey into sewing. On any given Sunday we meet we have 3 generations of people. Women, men and teens. Some have been coming since the beginning while others are new to the fold. The common thread between these people is an intense, unyielding passion and love for these precious people we serve and The G-d of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. And then, there's Yeshua. We desire to serve Him with our hands. The Ruach is ever present washing over these quilts with LOVE and He breathes life in us as we serve! Here's a few of the quilts we...

Oh Ye of Little Faith ...

When you make as many quilts as we do, you go thru FABRIC - LOTS of fabric! We are blessed to get donations from people from our congregation - those who are clearing out their personal fabric stash ... those who inherit fabric from relatives and those who shop for fabric specially for our ministry. So, when we started getting to the end of the fabric to cut and there's no more coming in, you start to wonder, "Does this mean we are winding down on making quilts for survivors?" Is G-d trying to tell us something? We felt like we were the widow to Elijah in 1 Kings 17: 7-16 (Tikvah Rabah paraphrase: We don't have any fabric - only a handful of random pieces - we are going to make our last quilt, sew, send and die ). Well, G-d, in His G-dly provision waited until we were at the bottom of the fabric stash and then, as He ALWAYS goes, he stirs someone's heart to gift us quilting fabric! A friend of a Rehoboth member asked if we could use fabric! OF...

What's New With Tikvah Rabah?

Life moves so quickly. Work, Family, Friends, Congregation - there's many obligations one has in ones life. Some things fall by the wayside. This blog is one of them. Posting events and pictures seems much easier thru Facebook. My apologies. So, what's new in our world? We have now shipped out 368 quilts to Israel! This has been amazing to watch the different quilts come together. The next shipment of quilts leaves California in September according to Dudley Goff, the Israel Food Outreach founder. Dudley spent 7 weeks in Israel this Spring distributing soup mix to the hungry and quilts to the survivors. He was gracious to share pictures of his visit with Susan Heagy of Abundant Hope International. When I see these pictures, I know all that juggling of commitments and priorities becomes clear: Serve the poor! Until next time - Le Hetriot!