
Showing posts from 2014


Seven.  The number of completion.  Seems so fitting that our first shipment of quilts to Holocaust Survivors in Israel would be seven.   Thanks to all who participated!  There were countless hours of ironing, cutting, designing, pinning, tying, sewing and praying that went into this project!!   And we've only just begun.  Todah! The journey continues Sunday, October 19 1 - 4.

We've Only Just Begun

Familiar lyrics of a once popular song by the Carpenters (please don't tell me "The who?") It's true, our quilting project for Holocaust  Survivors  in Israel has just begun.  Dudley Goff of Israel Food Outreach on his recent visit to Rehoboth informed us that 1,000 Survivors in Iarael die  each month.  Gulp.  A sobering statistic.  A thousand.   We hope you will join us this Sunday as we tie quilts to be sewn.  There will be ironing of tops and sheets;  cutting squares and designing quilts, too.  But, we have about 15 or so quilts that need to be pinned, tied and prayed over in preparation of being sewn and then shipped to California.   The next container ship is headed to Israel soon and we want to send as many quilts as possible.  After all, time is running out.  A thousand.  

How we Spent Our Sunday Afternoon!

Our group of dedicated crafters met on September 14th to complete our first quilts!  The air was buzzing with excitement as we spread our efforts across TWO ROOMS in our congregation.   After each quilt was smoothed and ready, we offered heartfelt prayers to the Heavenly throne that Yeshua (Jesus) would use these gifts of our hearts to erase the pain in the Survivor's hearts.  May the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) wrap these Survivors in His love and reveal Yeshua to them.   We were blessed to have experienced quilters to help us figure out the ins and outs - and those of us with less experience quickly got into the groove.   We've only just begun ... Join the Journey - we meet again Sunday, September 28th 1-4.   All skill levels welcome.   (Enjoy these pictures by Heidi)
A Book Worth Reading! The Boy on theWooden Box Leon Leyson (Leib Lejzon) This book is Leon Leyson’s autobiography, the story of a happy life as a young child in Poland until the Nazis invaded when he was 10 years old. He then describes life in the Krakow ghetto, in 2 concentration camps, and at the age of 13, as a worker in Oscar Schindler’s factory, along with his parents and 2 of his 4 siblings.  This memoir is the only one written by a child on “Schindler’s List” and describes the character of the man as experienced by those who worked for him—his “children” as he called them.  Though an unlikely hero, he showed them mercy and care and gave them a sense of dignity at a time when they were seen as less than human by the world around them. The story also is a tribute to the perseverance and strength of the survivors of the Nazi terror as they determined to live and to do whatever they could to help others survive as well.  Even as a child, Leon was...

Pillowcase Dresses - the Saga Continues

You've probably heard snippets of the saga of our beautiful, unique dresses we sent to Israel last month.  Who knew you could take a simple pillowcase, perform some minor alterations and add some embellishments and "viola'" a beautiful little dress is created.   Our crafters had a goal of 100;  we ended up with 137!  Thank You, Yeshua!   However, as we quickly discovered, there are international shipping requirements that are taken quite seiously by customs officials.  Back and forth - this and that - time and time again - for every step forward, we fell two steps back!   Today, we received notification that our lovely, little dresses will be returned (they could have been thrown away or sold at auction - so, again, Thank You, Yeshua!   Keep praying for the door to open for these dresses to get to Israel.   And we know that all things work together for the good of them who love G-d, to them who are called according to His purpose.  

Quilting Update and Important Gathering THIS SUNDAY!

Quilting Update: We had a wonderful time on Sunday with our quilting project! Twelve wonderful ladies gathered to iron, cut, design and sew quilt tops. Our next regular quilting event is Sunday, September 14th at 1:00 pm. Now, for some news from Glenda: SAVE THE DATE!!!! Dudley and Raven Goff, founders of Israel Food Outreach which supplies dried soup mix to the poor and quilts for the holocaust survivors in Israel, are here in Portland and would like to meet with us! Tikvah Rabah, Rehoboth's ministry to the survivors and the poor, has partnered with Israel Food Outreach in making quilts for the survivors (see pictures from last week!). The Goffs and Nancy Hook (who we met previously) have made time in their schedule to meet with anyone who is interested in learning more about their ministry and of course, with our Tikvah Rabah crafters, on Sunday, August 31, at 2:00 at Rehoboth. Dudley very much wants to make this connection with us in person regarding th...

Kind of Hard ...

Kind of to do a #ThrowbackThursday when we haven't been established for a year quite yet.  However, we will take the rather short walk down memory lane to reflect upon our first craft project:  lovely, frilly, feminine scarves!   Available in so many colors - there's something for everyone!  Your purchase helps support Holocaust Survivors and the poor in #Israel.  We look forward to opening our Etsy store soon!   #tbt

Our Newest Project!

Funny how G-d works. What started out as a conversation between Glenda and Dudley of Israel Food Outreach, (we thought we were going to be able to use their cargo ship to get our 400 + hats/scarves to Israel), unfolded to become our newest project: Making quilts for the Holocaust Survivors in Israel! Israel Food Outreach partners with Gleanings for the Hungry to get these quilts to the precious survivors. We are humbled and blessed to be Yeshua's hands on this project! And, we really appreciate the enthusiasm we have received for this project! Just so we are all on the same page, here’s our plan of action! Now: We are in the preparation phase. We should be washing, sorting, ironing and cutting squares at this point. If you have fabric you have taken home, please continue to iron and cut squares and feel free to bring back your cut squares so we may organize them by similar color tones. We would like to have cutting and sewing already designed tops at h...

Dreamin' of Quilts!

With all the gorgeous fabric we've been blessed with receiving, my mind is focused on quilts these days.  I listen intently to Glenda and Sally as they chatter excitedly about plans and strategies to set this new task of making quilts for Holocaust Survivors in Israel in motion. We are all VERY excited to roll out this project on August 3rd during our next craft-a-long and if you're in the Vancouver/PDX area we hope you'll join us at 1:00 pm.  We will watch a short video detailing the specifications set forth by Israel Food Outreach and Gleanings for the Hungry.   And with that said, here's a #throwbackthursday #tbt picture of a very sweet quilt Carol made for "our" adopted survivor, Yafim, that we sent for his birthday earlier this year.  

Bargains Galore!

Glenda was blessed to find a yard sale featuring only fabric!  We got such a beautiful selection at a bargain price.  He IS The G-d who provides for our needs.   We're feeling very blessed as we move towards partnering with Israel Food Outreach and Gleanings for the Hungry in the Quilts for Holocaust Survivor Project.   We look forward to having  you join us on Sunday, August 3rd as we introduce the project! We meet at Rehoboth Messianic Congregation from 1-4.  Light refreshments served.   ** non- sewers welcome to come and bring their craft projects as well ** Rehoboth Messianic Congregation is located at:  3504 NE 49th St in Vancouver, WA.  

Final Tally for "Dress a Girl in Israel 2014"

For nearly 6 weeks, we have been focused on producing dresses for girls in Israel. For the most part,the talented sewers of Tikvah Rabah have been stitching together some adorable dresses were made out of pillow cases.   A few non-sewers wanted to participate and so a few of the dresses were purchased new while others were purchased used.   It was an interesting walk in faith as the final dresses counted - you  wonder, how close did we get our goal of 100?  Oh Please, L-rd, let us get to 100!  It felt like when the L-rd multiplied the loaves and fishes, and I think I heard Him say "oh ye of little faith".   But, as so often is the case, the L-rd provided MORE than our expectations!   Thank you to all who assisted the project in any of the many ways.  Won't you please pray with us that the girls in Israel be blessed by our gifts of love and more importantly, that the love of Messiah will renew them as He calls them into His Kingdom? Drum roll,...

A Moment to Reflect on Something "Lovely"

If you love Israel, your mind is probably tied up with the military action going on right now.   As we near completion of the dress project, I want to give you a moment to reflect on some beauty in this world - designed and created by Sally and Heidi.   Enjoy what is lovely today!  

Our Next Craft-a-Long and Assorted Tidbits

We have several scheduling conflicts with trying to squeeze in a Craft-a - Long in July.  After careful consideration, we have decided to have our next event August 3rd 1:00 tp 3 or 4 ish. This will be an important meeting to attend as we reveal our newest project and I'm sure you won't want to miss it!   I have often felt that this ministry is gently unfolding - similar to how a tea bud reveals itself in hot water. The L-rd has taken our hands and slowly guided us step by step down what sometimes feels like our feet unsure along a rocky path.  But, as we know, (and I hope YOU do know) that Yeshua is our Safety Net and He never takes us where we "can't" go.  I've heard it said:  "Yeshua doesn't always call the equipped but He always equips the called".  And, when He finds us faithful with little, He gives us more.   As we wrap up the sewing of 100 pillowcase dresses for immigrant girls, and as we have gathered nearly 400 hats for H...

Five Facts for Friday

Here's five facts for this Friday: According to a survey in 2012 by the Foundation for the Benefit of Holocaust Victims in Israel: * Tens of thousands of elderly Holocaust Survivors in Israel live in abject poverty, unable to afford basic essentials  * One in five Holocaust Survivors in Israel is hungry * 14% are financially unable to purchase necessary medications * More than 2/3 of the Survivors have incomes of half the median in Israel * 40% of Survivors often feel very lonely and rarely leave their homes for activities or entertainment.  Their number one complaint is simple loneliness as many of them have no living relatives.   The majority of the Survivors have lived their lives without understanding the love of their Messiah.  Our desire is to show them Kindness and Compassion, doing what we can to honor and bless them in tangible ways.  We can help them live out their remaining years with dignity, feeling the love of and care ...

The Eagle has Landed!

Prayer and money.  The two most important things a ministry, especially a ministry in Israel, needs. But when we started Tikvah Rabah, we all had a desire to do something tangible to bless the Holocaust Survivors.  The L-rd led us to Brian Slater of Yeshua's Fresh Bread - a soup kitchen and food distribution center in beautiful Netanya, Israel.  Yeshua's Fresh Bread not only works with about 400 Holocaust Survivors, they also assist immigrants who are struggling to acclimate to a land and culture foreign to them.   For months, the dedicated crafters in our congregation Rehoboth Messianic Congregation, as well as the crafters from Minihaha Grange and Crossroads Community Church (all located in Beautiful Vancouver, Washington) have been knitting, crocheting, and sewing hats and scarves for the Holocaust Survivors.   Our first shipment of scarves and hats (30 each) were taken to Israel by a group of people from Tennessee - they go to Israel every year to work alon...

Reflections on our Sew-a-Long June 1

While Tikvah Rabah was founded with a focus on assisting and blessing Holocaust Survivors in Israel, as we have discovered (and not surprisingly), the needs are great across Israel. In discussion with one of our Ministry Partners - Yeshua's Fresh Bread, we learned that they assist many families immigrating to Israel from The Nations - from Ethiopia to Ukraine and Russia. A new project has formed for Tikvah Rabah: making dresses from pillowcases for girls in first thru fourth grades. The idea coming from . So, On June 1st, we had our first Sew-a-Long with sewing machines blazing across unique pillowcases turning what was once a ho-hum household item to a a charming and delightful little dress for a precious little girl! Ladies were eager to take home the projects to complete. We estimate we have approximately 60 dresses completed with the remaining 40 nearing completion!

Why Support Holocaust Survivors in Israel?

The elderly in Israel are among the poorest in the Western world.  Of the 193,000 Holocaust survivors residing in Israel, 50,000 live beneath the poverty level.  Sixty percent of the needy are living on three thousand shekels  ( 862.78796 USD) a month according to:,7340,L-4512415,00.html There is a disparity in the allotment of funds to Holocaust survivors who arrived in Israel after 1953.  Approximately 18,500 victims are not recognized with those who made aliyah earlier.  Progress is being made to change this situation.  See:  Abundant Hope International and Yeshua's Fresh Bread are dedicated to supplementing the Israeli government's assistance to these needy who suffered so greatly in perhaps the most troubling period of human history.  We partner with these organizations to make a ...

I Remember: Ruth Fazal

In another segment of the recent newsletter from AHI, there was an announcement about a CD project by Ruth Fazal.  Ruth is giving her music CD, I Remember , to the Survivors.  Visit Ruth's website to see details about the project and order your own copy of I Remember :

Saxon Friends of Israel

In a recent newsletter from AIH , we were blessed by the introduction to the German work team who came during Purim to remodel the Survivors' apartments.  We want to share their video and website with you.  I think you will be amazed at their work and their heart for bringing G-d's love to the Survivors.   Check out their website:

April Craft Day

Our next craft day will be Sunday, April 6th, at 1 p.m.  We are continuing to work on hats and scarves.  If you have fleece or patterns for fleece hats and scarves to share, please bring them. 

Yom HaShoah 2014

Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah) 2014 begins in the evening of Sunday, April 27and ends in the evening of Monday, April 28. It marks the anniversary of the Jewish uprising in the Warsaw ghetto. During the month of April you might like to consider watching movies that depict life for European Jews during the Holocaust. Unfortunately, most movies are not suitable for young family members. One movie of particular interest since my grandfather came from the Ukraine is No Place on Earth , the story of 38 Ukrainian Jews who survived in a cave 70 feet underground for 511 days. This is a documentary of an American cave explorer who seeks to understands the mystery of his findings in a cave half way around the world, only to find the answer is back on his continent.  Here are some lists of other movies that may be of interest: The 10 best from Haaretz Amazon's top 15 for high school students Online clips of interviews with Survivors If you watch one not listed here, plea...

Purim Blessings

The birthday of our Survivor in Israel falls in March.  Purim was also celebrated in March this year (Purim occurs every year on the 14th of the Hebrew month of Adar ).  While checking with Abundant Hope for a mailing address for our birthday present, we received news that a German team had come to help with apartment renovations and Yafim and Polina's kitchen and bathroom were being remodeled.   Because of the generous gifts from members of our congregation, the Tikvah Rabah team felt we could give toward this project.  We sent $1000 dollars and were blessed to find that because we had sent money, the kitchen remodeling would now include a much needed stove to replace the partially inoperative range.  Susan from Abundant Hope was able to purchase a range during the Purim sales and the deal also included a free microwave.  Below are before and after pictures of the improvements.  The kitchen pictures do not include the new stove. See that ugly ...

February Craft-a-Long

The next Tikvah Rabah Craft-a-Long will be February 2, 2014 at 1:00 pm in Rehoboth's ONEG room. We have heard from our ministry partner in Israel and we have been requested to provide between 300-400 scarves and hats!  SO, we will be working on those for the next few months.  These can be knit or crochet; in matching sets or not;  the ratio of men/women = 30% men and 70% women (approximately).   If you know of anyone who loves to knit or crochet, feel free to invite them.  If you are unable to participate with this type of craft project (perhaps this isn't your cup of tea but something else is), please feel free to come along and participate in the fellowship! 

January Craft Along

Join us on January 5, 2014, at 1 p.m. in the Oneg room at Rehoboth.  This is an open project craft along.  Bring your own work and any show and tell projects you would like to share with the group (patterns and/or completed projects).  We would love to see what you make.   The Tikvah Rabah team is looking for new ideas for the next Hanukkah gift fair season and we would like to have your input and participation.  Let's see if we can fill our calendar with mini-classes and demonstrations so everyone can learn new crafts. There are looms left from the November class.  We can show you how to make a ruffle scarf if you didn't get a chance to learn last time.  Thanks to all who made scarves to sell at last year's Hanukkah craft table.  They were beautiful and very popular sellers.  Come and bring a friend.  You don't have to be working on projects for Tikvah Rabah to come and enjoy the fellowship. Shalom and Happy (Civil) Ne...